Washing Towels with Vinegar: Simple Tricks

How to wash towels with vinegar at home?

Towels are used on a daily basis and people find it really tricky to keep them clean and soft. Towels catch a lot of bacteria and can be smelly and scratchy if not washed properly. However, it is said that washingTowels with Vinegar is really helpful to keep towels clean and fluffy. But it is really essential to wash them in the right way to avoid damaging the towel fibers.

White vinegar holds anti-bacterial and acidic properties so it makes the towels clean and germ-free. When you use vinegar for washing towels, you can wash them by hand or in the washing machine according to your convenience. Both methods provide good results but you should keep some important points in mind to get the best outcome. Using vinegar in laundry towels can be helpful if you use these tricks:

While washing your towels in the machine, ensure proper cleaning by making small batches because overloading can cause stinking and soap residue. Washing 2 to 3 towels in the machine at one time is recommended.

Vinegar has acidic properties so you should pour it directly on clothes. It is always recommended to mix it with water to get stain free clothes.

  • When you add the towels in the drum, add detergent in its drawer. Mix vinegar into the water and pour it in the fabric softener box.
  •  If you have washed your towel in the detergent, you can add the diluted vinegar in the detergent box.
  • According to your towel fabric, adjust the settings of your machine.
  •  Keep the water temperature lukewarm, because hot water can damage the fibers and make the towel rough.
  • Rinse the towels in one extra cycle to ensure proper cleaning.
  •  Always dry your towels immediately and take them out right after drying.
  • Damp towels can catch bacteria and smell, so air them out and air dry to ensure best cleaning.
  • Vinegar has acidic properties so you should pour it directly on clothes. It is always recommended to mix it with water to get stain free clothes.
  • It is also asked how much vinegar to add to laundry. 250 ml vinegar can be used in a gallon of water to wash one cycle of the machine.

What are the benefits of cleaning towels with vinegar?

Vinegar is a natural anti-bacterial and acidic compound that contains a lot of beneficial properties. There are a lot of benefits of washing towels with vinegar and some of them are mentioned here:

  • Vinegar is a best use for people allergic to different detergents as they contain a lot of harsh chemicals. They can cause rashes or irritation, so vinegar can be a good substitute.
  •  Vinegar is believed to be earth-friendly because it doesn’t contain harmful chemicals that some detergents contain. Vinegar water will not be harmful for wildlife or plants.
  •  Soap buildup causes streaks on the towels. Vinegar loosens up soap accumulation and keeps them clean.
  • When vinegar comes in contact with dirt and stains, it loosens them up and rinses away. You can pretreat harsh stains by pouring vinegar solution and cleaning it with a clean cloth. You can wash the towels normally after that.
  • Vinegar can also be used as a bleaching agent for white clothes to make them brighter and cleaner. You can soak the towels in the solution of vinegar, lemon juice and borax to get excellent results.
  • Vinegar can remove odors from the towels making them smell fresh. You can also use essential oils along with vinegar to make your towels more fragrant.
  •  Vinegar doesn’t contain harsh chemicals, so it softens the fibers of fabric. You can use distilled fabric in the place of fabric softener to get better results.
  • Clothes tend to fade their color by time due to detergent and sun rays. Adding vinegar while washing the clothes prevents fading and keeps them bright.
  • Vinegar also helps cleaning the washing machine that helps cleaning the clothes in a better way. You can use hot water mixed with vinegar in your machine without adding any clothes to reduce lint and soap buildup.
  • Always use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar while washing towels because brown or red wine vinegar because they cause stains.

Wash towels with baking soda:

Baking soda is also proven to make towels cleaner and softer. You can use baking soda with water and add it while washing the towels to make them cleaner and fluffier. If you have washed the towels with detergent, you can dip them in the mix of water and baking soda. It will separate the threads of the cloth and make the towels look cleaner and plushier.

Trick to get towels soft and clean:

Using vinegar to clean towels can be very helpful in getting soft and fluffy towels. Here are some tricks to get softer towels:

  • Essential oils can be added with vinegar to prevent smelly towels and make them aromatic.
  • Hang the towels on a drying rack for air drying, it will make the towels smell fresh.
  •  Never use hard water for washing towels as it can cause stiff fibers and scratchy towels.
  •  Do not add too much load on your machine. It will make it difficult to apply on the towels and rinse them thoroughly. Overloading will also put strain on the machine and damage it by time.
  •  Don’t over dry your towels as it will damage the fibers making them hard and rough.
  • Use a tennis ball while drying the towels as it helps to dry them well and make them fluffy and soft.

Cut back on detergent:

Do not use excessive detergent to avoid soap buildup. It can also dry out the towels making them hard and scratchy. Using less detergent will make the washing easier and rinse the chunks of soap thoroughly. You can use vinegar rinse for clothes to get aromatic and germ-free towels.

Air dry when possible:

Drying the towels in air is always a wonderful way to dry your towels. If you dry the towels inside the room, they may remain damp making them smell bad. They can also catch bacteria as well if not dried properly. Air-drying will make the towels dry properly and get a fresh aromatic feel.

Keep your washing machine clean:

If you want to use the washing machine for cleaning your towels, it is essential to keep your washing machine clean and in order. If the machine is dirty or in bad condition, it will never give you good results. Vinegar really helps cleaning your machine and reducing bacteria or germ accumulation.

Invest in high quality:

High quality products mean reliability and durability. If you want to keep your towels soft and clean. You must invest in the best quality from towels to detergent and washing machine. Good quality towels will remain soft after many uses. Similarly, you must use the best quality detergent and fabric softener to get good results. A good quality washing machine is also very helpful for washing towels properly.


Q: Can you use vinegar and laundry detergent together?

Ans: Yes, you can make a mixture and add it in the detergent box for better results.

Q: Can baking soda really help keep towels soft, and how should it be used?

Ans: You can use baking soda by adding it into the water for washing towels, keeping them soft and clean.

Q: Can vinegar really help keep towels soft, and how should it be used?

Ans: Yes, vinegar can be used to keep towels soft. You can mix it with water to avoid acidic reactions.

Q: How often should you wash towels with vinegar?

Ans: You can wash the towels with vinegar after one or two weeks.

Q: What to do if towels still smell like vinegar after washing?

Ans: You can use essential oils with vinegar to avoid the strong smell of vinegar after washing.

Q: How to get a rough and scratchy towel soft again?

Ans: Using a mix of baking soda and vinegar can make your rough towels soft again.

Read About : Sanitation Towel and Microwave paper towels


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